Next Public Star Party
Next Member Meeting
Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00 pm CST at Dyer Observatory Our member meetings are open to everyone.
We usually also stream on our YouTube channel,
Our next speaker is BSAS member Theo Wellington.
What's up in the current night sky and how hard do I have to train to do a Messier Marathon? Many of the fun things to view in the sky are named M1 through M110, a list put together by comet hunter Charles Mesier. This time of the year offers a chance to see all of them on one night. We'll see how to enjoy this list as the weather warms up.
*Not a Public Star Party* Total Lunar Eclipse
Friday, March 14, 12:00am- 3:48 am CDT
Location: Your backyard!
A lunar eclipse will occur in the wee hours of Pi Day, March 14. The partial eclipse begins at 12:09am, totality runs from 1:25am to 2:31am, and the partial ends at 3:48am. If the skies are clear, go out and take a look and see what color the Moon is when in the shadow of the Earth.
Public Star Party
Saturday, April 5, 8:00-10:00 pm CDT
Bowie Nature Park
What is a star party?
BSAS members bring and set up telescopes and information at local parks, everyone is invited to come and enjoy the view! Free, open of everyone of any age. No food trucks, just *space* for everyone. These are usually weather permitting, so check back to see if we are still on if it is cloudy or threatening rain.
In honor of the 90th anniversary of BSAS, we partnered with Hatch Show Print to create a unique, limited-run poster! A great gift for anyone interested in astronomy.